Classical Music Rocks

Friday, July 21, 2006

Three months into sifting through loads of crappy tunes, I've finally found the piece of classical music that I've been looking for. It's the opening theme for Battle Royale, a Japanese movie about a highschool class forced to kill each other until there was only one survivor because of the Japanese Battle Royale Act of 2015. The movie idea itself kicks enough ass to make The Ring's Sadako cry tears of joy but half of the power of the film comes form the soundtrack where they utilized heavy choired tracks.

The title of the track is Dies Irae by the genius Master Composer for the Italian opera Verdi. Verdi is the kickass star of the 18th Century. If Verdi had an electric guitar in his time, he'd create Industrial Rock 100 years earlier. I bet his guy ate raw meat and feasted on the flesh of fellow human beings to be able to get inspiration for kick ass music.

If you think Classical Music is boring, that's because you've been listening to the wrong set of shit. Fuck Vivaldi, put away Bach for a while. Those things drain power. Start listening to Verdi and his Dies Irae. Instead of draining, he injects adrenaline through your ear canals. Emotion in EMO music doesn't even reach a droplet compared to the bloodstorm that his pieces create if you decide to murder people with his music.

Dies Irae is the opening of his creation "The Requiem". In case your music teacher in highschool is a ninny, Requiem is a memorial piece for a dead person. It's basically a musical version of a monument that doesnt depict you naked in the middle of a bustling street. Verdi's requiem is so powerful, it was reported that the person Verdi dedicated it to rose back to life after it was played one year after the man's death. He killed one triangle player in the symphony and then went back to his coffin. Some say the guy didn't really rise from the dead, the triangle guy just died but I cant trouble myself with the specifics. All I can remember is that it kicks that much ass.

The Requiem produces so much shock and awe back during the day that it still serves as a good benchmark for those oooh-ahhh background tracks you hear in the movies nowadays (i.e. Star War's theme, Lord of The Rings, K19 Widowmaker and others)

As a matter of fact, two of its tracks Agnus Dei and Rex Tremendae have been remade by Namco and Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra as soundtracks for Ace Combat: Shattered Skies, the action game with the best and most comprehensive soundtrack in playstation 2.

Thankfully, Verdi doesn't monopolize classical things that rock. Carl Orff's rendition of Carmina Burana. a collection of 13th century text pushes the limits further by putting on the rock spirit 600 years earlier than Jimi Hendrix.

Carmina Burana might sound familiar to you. It's been used by so many flicks already you're probably saying right now "So that's what it's called!" I know.

Wait till you hear the rest of the songs. If you happen to be a fan of Final Fantasy and know of the now legendary One Winged Angel theme of Sephiroth, half of it was plucked from the songs "O Fortuna", "Estuans interius", "Veni, veni, venias", and "Ave formosissima." (wikipedia)

You'll be orgasming with your clothes on. Here's a choir rendition of the original Orff music set for the opening song O Fortuna:

Listen to Verdi's and Carmina Burana so you dont restrict yourself to "cool" music being spoonfed to you by your music channels. More importantly, with the power of the net, dont be afraid to discover unpopular gems.

Fo chillin'


Anonymous said...

i love this subject, music!!!

i always wanna try something new...
though technically it isn't...

i don't know how to sort the genres though... what is emo by the way? is it like punk music, metal..?

ps. dont shoot me pls.


I'm not sure what Emo is either. Technically theyre supposed to be songs that concentrate on painful emotions - but even that's ambiguous.
I think to be in emo music, you have to have the following:

- One band member has a moptop
- At least one song has no sensible lyrics
- At least 3 songs about breakups in the most pussyform way possible.
= lots and lots of complaints about emotional problems.

XD Chill out.

Anonymous said...

requem was also in the soundtrack of evangelion death and rebirth. its over 20 minutes long

El Capitan said...

Verdi! Haha! Good one!

If Chopin was born into our generation, he'd invent badass solos.

Liszt would be the one to invent instrument smashing.

Sibelius... hm... Sibelius would be like those guitar people who create mad impossible trills.

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Verdi is great, but the Dies Irae doesn't open his requiem. Also, the entire requiem is well over an hour long. Music fact of the day! :)


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