for-life-at-the-sight scary.
Dont get me wrong though, I love going to cosplays. There are finer sights, and you can see some people put effort into what they're doing. But when you see shitsalads like what I posted here, you just get discouraged, like how taste gets bland after you gargle clorox. Poison doesnt mix well with a multi-course meal, period.
Anyway, after tiring from making snide remarks about bad cosplays and making things pretty much entertaining despite the series of tragedies that are out-of-place cosplays, I finally got hungry. I took a group of my sister' s friends and drove to a nearby restaurant strip with pay carparking. I was hauling with me 3 cosplayers in a group of five. Suffice to say, just being in such a place was weird. At those moments in life, you begin reconsidering what you've done to come to that point - by point I mean scene of great embarassment.
After the meal, I realized that my carpark stub was missing. That stub is meant to prevent stupid people from taking the wrong car and for bad people from doing stupid things like knowing the car is yours and taking it anyway. And I lost it. I know, I know, stupidity must be infectious, I'm surrounded by so much of it, slight transfusion is inevitable no matter how many times I scrub in the morning.
So I headed for the exit and told the ticket lady that I lost it. She promptly charged me eighty pesos, to my surprise. I'm not surprised at the price, it's not that high, regular parking in certain places tend to be more expensive.
What ticked me off is how casually she treated the situation. Are the people eating at that food strip that dumb that they lose tickets so often she just got used to it and forgot why the stub was there in the first place? I tried to think positively for a change. It cant be like that.
So I ask, "Aren't you going to check for the registration of this car?"
Guess what she replied.
"No need. It always happens around here anyway, sir."
Shit. People are becoming too defective. Too defective to have kids. We're doomed, as with the future generations. Nonetheless, I went on with our little talk.
"What if this isn't my car?"
And then she replied probably what could be the equivalent of the letter R in a multiple choice question with answers ranging from A-D.
R is for retarded.
"You guys dont look suspicious."
Not suspicious? There's a girl dressed in a japanese highschool uniform riding shotgun. A girl in a guy's clothes at the back. A set of replica daggers, wigs, props and all, enough for a full-stage school play with the rest of the group. And we're STILL not suspicious?
Well blow my ass and call it rimjaw.
I figured I was wasting my time and IQ points by continuing the talk. So I just nodded and said "Right, normal as a gay parade in the Vatican." and paid the bill.
You can't put the price on stupid.
I love cosplays but I hate stupid cosplayers.
Paid carparks are cool as long as I'm not paying for idiots.
Whoo! Which means I can still hold onto hope that I would be given a chance to steal that car I always wanted XD
Hope you didn't have a hard time finding your sister. I spotted her a few minutes after you called my attention, but I lost your number due to software issues, so I wasn't able to contact you.
She was hiding behind the f'ing stage half of the time I was looking for her. Gaaaaah. I should put a tracking device around her neck next time.
OK RED, I'm going to have to ask you the exact address of that restaurant, the complete physical description of the guard on the car park and 8 pesos.
I'mma get me a nice ride.
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