Good cosplay, I'm amused. Bad cosplay, I'm amused. Simple formula where I cant possibly be annoyed right?
I was at the AME Matsuri today watching group cosplays when one of the groups called "Jigoku Shojou (Girl from Hell)" came onstage. I've seen some of the costumes they were wearing and I found them really awsome, so I thought - they belong to the good cosplay half. I shall be amused.
Then this assblock went on stage like a boxing round girl sporting a banner "SOMEBODY STOLE OUR FORUM LINK". My shittrap detector started sending red flags immediately, but since it was a very good day for me, I said I'll let it pass, it was just probably some insider joke.
Then Darth Vader appeared onstage. A half-assed darth who looked less like darth vader and more like a shitty cosplay for a school play. More banners started appearing, completely unrelated to the anime series Jigoku Shojou. My brain shortcircuited at that point.
After several implications about how Darth Vader stole their forum link and how he's a bad man, Darth went on humiliating himself with the aide of the actual cosplayers for Jigoku Shojou. Later the drath removed his mask to show another mask - a printed out face of a guy nobody recognized (albeit a real filipino person).
Suffice to say, nobody got amused. At least not those people who cared less about what the charade meant. I do know what that was about though. If you hang around Filipino forums for cosplay enough, you get to see more drama than Nicole's rape case.
Here's the jist of it: Two forums exist for the same purpose - cosplay discussion. One of them is filcosplay and the other is pinoycosplay. Pinoycosplay owner bought both filcosplay.coma nd because they were both available and then linked it to the pinoycosplay messageboard.
Link stolen?
"ZOMG I cant direct link to Filcosplay using I am therefore invalidated as a human beings and will no longer be allowed to have babies to spread seeds for future generations!"
BOO HOO. Shit happens. Suck it up you bunch of cockloaders. Even worse is that all this happened MORE THAN A YEAR AGO already. You'd think with such small brains they'd forget faster than normal people. Grudges gets priority, I guess.
I'm not siding with PinoyCosplay owner Mike Abundo. I dont discriminate like that. I think everybody involved with the issue are a bunch of asstraps who are wasting waay to much time on shitty cosplay drama. And to a very lengthy extent, I dont even give a damn.
But when you start thinking you can settle shit by turning an innocent group cosplay skit into a political statement befitting of a Mendiola Rally, you're involving people who aren't supposed to be involved. And you're ruining the fun out of a really good, honest event (with lots of sexy costumes and innuendos)
First, political statements are useless if they dont get to the target. Ejaculated semen not hitting any eggs is just masturbation. Second, political statements are useless when nobody CARES. Why not just cosplay like normal weirdos? We'll all walk away happy like that.
COSPLAY DRAMA. Even with little, we've all had more than enough.
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