Things I love about my current job

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

1. I get to swim after office hours - something I was only able to do when I was deployed in HK, and only if it's swim season.

2. I have my own cubicle. 3 and a half walls of pure privacy goodness. That's half a wall and about two meters worth of fencing short of having your own office. Take that Japanese company culture!

3. Junk foods are vended. God knows Tortillos is only half as good until you drop it 3 feet.

4. I have an internet connection that I don't have to file requests for every four days. No need to line up in public internet kiosks either. (Because ewww, you don't know where those browsers have been)

5. No financial accounting of people's efforts. It's always a heavier subject to discuss when you're dealing with numbers preceded with the $ symbol.

6. Cheap parking!

7. There are no dwarves inside the office that only I can see and hear.

8. At least not the ones that like to streak around naked in the middle of the night.

9. I swear to god those used to happen, and it wasn't the effect of any controlled substances or aircon fluid leaks.

10. Or so my imaginary psychiatrist says.

1 comment:

Hihey said...

I freaked out when i read this one

7. There are no dwarves inside the office that only I can see and hear.

its a good thing i continued reading:

9. I swear to god those used to happen, and it wasn't the effect of any controlled substances or aircon fluid leaks.

10. Or so my imaginary psychiatrist says.

That explains it.


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