Can I smell your...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

You know, I gotta hand it to the African Americans. After being forcefully sent to the states on overcrowded boats, treated like animals for a couple of hundred years, sent to war for the freedom they never really got, and then probably a hundred years more of maltreatment, they went on anyway to dominate every fucking sport in the United States, along with a large chunk of the country's music industry. People like Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. have gone a long way to improve the image of the black man in the States.

And then came Riskay the Drama Queen.

If she can do what she infers she can do in this song, she can establish her own CSI Bronx, using nothing but her olfactory sense to trace trouble. Achievement wise, she's not really lacking. She's practically sent the black community a couple of decades back in terms of morale improvement with her music. I'm sure she's one of the few people who can unite both white and black people in a single cause: Asking the question of "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!"

As if Michael Jackson, OJ Simpson, and Vanessa Williams weren't enough.

[special thanks to FiSHCAKE! for ruining my morning with the damn link]


Jherskie said...

WTF?! good thing i saw this after eating lunch. i must go clannad fanboy nao to erase this abomination from my mind.



Hahhahaa Smell yo! Smell yo! I cant wait for the Christmas remix.

Anonymous said...

hi redkinoko. can i smell yours? :D


bastus ka hahaha


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