
Friday, October 13, 2006

I know I shouldn't be making fun of dead people but I believe I've already stated before that dead and living people aren't much different other than one of them has a pulse. Both deserve respect and jokes, depending on the situation.

So, here's my take on the Cory Lidle and the forever nameless person he was riding with (Why can they find out who was sweeping the floor of the building where the plane crashed and NOT find out who the other guy is anyway? Is he Tupac's killer? Bin Laden?)

Apparently somebody decide to celebrate 9-11 by reenacting it.

I love the way the media sensationalizes a story like this. CNN played a special on it just this morning calling private planes "an open door to terrorism" and how "your building could be next" and how "a plane can be loaded with explosives and hijacked by terrorists."

Nobody ever thinks that altitude not taken into account (say this didnt happen on the 30th floor of the building but on the ground floor), this accident is no more than a vehicle malfunctioning and then slamming into somebody's home, killing the driver and whoever was riding shotgun. And then panic bullshit media sensationalism insists that any car could be a tool of terrorism.

Ding dong. Somebody's at the door. I think it's the UPS guy out to deliver this month's ration of common sense. He has a message and it says: Any thing can be loaded with bombs and turned into a terrorist plot device. Even a sandwich spread bottle.

God bless the UPS man.

As for the terrorists still thinking of using planes as an instrument of terrorism, do they even still exist? I mean if I knew there are cops expecting me to rob through the front door, wouldn't I find another way in?

I pity the guy from Homeland Security/Air Traffic Regulation Office who has to answer to the questions of security. His job will be the equivalent of finding a solution to making cars not hit households. I assume that after just one brainstorming session his mind would have waded on a flood of stupid ideas that may include:

- Constructing planes out of rubber.
- Attaching pillows on building surfaces.
- Gundams with antiaircraft laserblades.
- Force fields and Tractor beams.
- Attaching math exam papers on windows.
(they will ward off jock-type athletes at least)

And I thought my job was sucky.

My favorite article about the whole issue is this:

It says the plane has its own parachute but "apparently" it was never used. I don't think I have to elaborate why this sounds ironic.

Maybe after this they'll think of attaching airbags instead.

Big-ass airbags with big blow-outs.

Think we-didn't-win-the-world-series blowout.

That big.

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