Lack of Updates and new piano project.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

I know, I know. I haven't posted anything for the longest time. It's because I've been busy. That and a one-armed bandit from zanzibar took my keyboard away. Well, maybe not. Maybe he had two arms, but it doesn't really matter.

I've been talking or rather trying to talk to a bunch of publishers the past few days and so far, they still can't understand half of my primitive hand gestures. Dealing with people from another planet can be quite taxing, specially if you're the one coming from outerspace.

Arr. Anyway, here's a little something that I want to learn before the year ends. An arranged sheet is available for download online but it's obvious my fingers wont be able to take the strain of the damn song, so as always, I'll be making a compromised version again.


Yeah, I'm lazy. So sue me, Elton John. Can you see the fingers of that man? His right hand was spread wider than the head cheerleader in the football team locker room - FOR THE ENTIRE FREAKING SONG. We should stop calling those things "fingers" after they start hitting the MI of the next octave with your thumb still in the base DO. Tentacles sounds more apt.

Stop giggling, you nerd.

Anyway, I have to do more finger pushups for this song.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

W-O-W. still a talented one...


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