If you think you're having a bad day at work...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Try accidentally saying "cock"in front of a nationwide audience because you've had too much (or too little) the previous night. Freud must be dancing after he saw this series of unfortunate slips on YouTube (yes, I have this belief that YouTube can be seen even from the depths of hell).

Winning Moment: 25 seconds into the video, her co-caster appears on feed with a really bad shiteating grin that just screams "congratulations, you've just announced to the world how much of a tramp you are." Jane Skinner then grits her teeth and wishes for a sudden visit from the grin reaper.

After a while she starts screaming "YouTube me! YouTube me!" Well, I don't know what to say about that. I mean, Lindsay Lohan has her occassional (read: biweekly) moneyshot genetalia-in-picture sessions but I don't hear her screaming "Oh you should totally put that online!"

Either way, Jane knew she was f'ed and that's how she wanted to let it out.

But what the hey, it's Fox news. Nobody expects anything from that channel anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks like she enjoyed the moment naman eh XDDD


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