Random Thoughts

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Why do some people (mostly old people) take forever when withdrawing money from an ATM? Now I'm not too sure about how they do it but from the amount of button presses they're making, they could probably have activated the entire nuclear arsenal of America already.

Smallville is in it's 10th season. 10 SEASONS. That's 10 years. If Clark Kent was 17 when Smallville started, he'd be 27 and still living with his parents, cozy with not being superman, not having his uniform, and not having a career. What the fuck.

We should probably start building roofs made from vulcaseal already. That product should sell well. You can pay my consulting fees after I've turned you into overnight billionaires already.

Why are people surprised with the abundance of water lilies (or hyacinths if you feel like being a dirty hipster) in our rivers? It's not like they just landed one night to astound us with their presence the following morning. If that were the case, even I'd be picking my jaw up from the floor.

When Noynoy congratulated La Salle in its 100th year earlier this month, he mentioned two achievements the institution has done for this country: Let Lozada stay in La Salle Greenhills, and let the Namfrel use the CSB gym - two achievements which were basically done by letting people use campus space. As far as sociopolitical contributions are concerned, those have got to be the laziest achievements ever. Animo!

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