Life's Lemons

Friday, September 28, 2007

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life hands back your ass on a silver platter, I think lemonade might be a better choice.

I once was able to convince my girlfriend into joining a threesome. I guess it was my mistake that I never told her I should be one of the other participants.

When one of my cousins had her first case of menstruation, her younger sister freaked at the sight of blood in my cousin's bed. Instead of disgust, her face was that of horror, so I just had to ask why. She told me "Somebody tried to murder my sister in her sleep!"

Sometimes it's a mistake to think that you're over a person when you're not. Last night I was driving my car and thought just that. After that I said to myself, "I knew I should have set the stunt ramp higher."

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